How our 100% Inspection Cameras ensure unbeaten quality

At Leading Edge, we take quality control very seriously. We understand that the products we produce must meet the highest standards of quality, and we strive to make sure that every item we deliver meets that standard. To ensure that this happens, we have incorporated 100% inspection cameras on all of our presses. These cameras scan each item that goes through the press and can detect any inconsistencies or defects that may occur during production. If a defect is detected, the press will stop and notify the team why. This allows us to catch and address any potential issues before they reach the final finishing processes.

In addition to the cameras on our presses, we also have cameras in our finishing department to provide an extra layer of quality control. This allows us to be sure that any defects have been identified and addressed before the product is sent out. By utilizing these cameras, we can guarantee that our clients will receive products that meet the highest standards of quality.

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